A Search Interface for my Questions

The Selection Process

  The basic structure for the guided exploration on the question first concentrates on finding the right query based on a number of keywords.
These keywords are to be qualified as the exploration progress. Thus, the focus is on reducing the number of sites, before actually showing any sites. The steps are shown in the figure above and consist of progressively applying limiters to reduce the number of hits.

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This scheme is further complicated by the need for feedback on the criteria the searcher sets: the more ways the search can be influenced, the harder it is to find-out which limiter is doing what to the results. The full picture, feedbacks added, is shown in the figure left.

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  In this section, we will sequentially visit the steps from initial question to the answer. Each time, a part of the scheme is translated into a part of the interface. The total interface is show in the figure right.
  1. The Spider
  2. Selection on Keywords
  3. Limiters on Words
  4. Limiters on Sites
  5. Displaying Sites

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