My Personal Search-EngineCurrent Strategies | |
Spiders are certainly not delivering a good quality result.
Various smart algorithms have been developed to find the pages which
best serve the query of the user (you can find more about the current
strategies at Search Engine Watch).
However, everyone will have experience about the huge list of unwanted
hits you get in response to your simple question. Current text-retrieval
algorithms are
designed to work on large amounts of data but not for the huge quantity on
Real spidersGoing through all the references returned by a spider takes a lot of time. The human interfacing is usually a disaster; you can see that the programmers found "getting the thing to work" was complicated enough, and they are happy that they can at least deliver some results.Apart from the shear number of references returned a lot are outdated because the network is too large to get a timely overview. AltaVista currently can only visit a site once every seven weeks and they retire sites from their database after a few failed fetch attempts, So it takes months before their database is correct. The best part of current search engines is that they retrieve their data very quickly. The performance of computers in not the bottle-neck.
The real spiders, fetch all their pages themselves. They are built on
expensive hardware (huge quantities of disk-space and memory is required) and
complicated software.
The figure left shows the structure of the simplest of those spiders.
Typically, this functionality is spread over a few computers to get
the required performance.
To solve the drawbacks of `real'-spiders, three variations were introduced:
Specialized spidersSpecialized spiders try to improve the results of a spider by manually adding a pre-Meta-spidersMeta-spiders call many `real'-
The meta-spider passes the users request to many real-spiders
which query in their own databases and return appropriate results. The
This procedure may result in less optimal coverage than that of a single
search engines: the combined performance leads to the average result, a single
engine may be better balanced.
An example of HTML with meta-information:
The Web is also changing from pages mainly being written in HTML into
providing pages in multiple formats. More and more, the documents are
published in doc, XML, pdf, etc. In most of those formats, there is no way
to specify meta-
For all these reasons, this way of adding meta-
But, is everyone willing to become a
librarian? For institutes, universities, and such, the effort to
comply to this system is not too high, but it is a lot to ask small
companies and private
persons to use this system. A large part of the knowledge on
Internet will never be contained in this information-
Next Identifying the Problems. |